Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 20, 2015 He has a memoir in the wings ready to hit the shelves, he has a life built in public office, he hails from a large French Catholic family and he is attempting to position himself as the next prime minister of Canada. Tom Mulcair has taken a bit of a different route but his 15 minutes of fame appear to ...
Category: Brandon Sun
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 13, 2015 Our city is a bit far removed from the last truly major city-driven sporting investment in this community. We are long past the days of the Canada Games Sportsplex in the late 1970s and save for entities such as the Optimist Soccer Park or Simplot Millennium Park, a major outdoor sporting renovation or addition has not taken place in Brandon ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 5, 2015 There is a school of thought that came to light in the early 1980s about broken windows in a neighbourhood. The theory basically stated that broken windows left unchecked would indicate a larger, more systemic problem and would open the door to more serious criminal activity — the result being that petty crime was ignored, thus pushing criminals up the ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition May 29, 2015 It looks like there may be a bit of fuel in the tank again, downtown. Renaissance Brandon is back in the public eye after a hiatus of sorts to spend time working on a much-needed structural realignment and filling the vacant development role. Now, months after the departure of the organization’s sole full-time staff member, it has a new development ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition May 22, 2015 It is a surface issue few really want to acknowledge exists in our community, and it is an issue that in a time of rising costs and few options may continue to grow: helping put an end to homelessness must be a priority in our city. In recent weeks, the city of Medicine Hat made a splash with the claim ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition May 15, 2015 Which door will he take? That was the question hammered home by Progressive Conservative MLA Kelvin Goertzen last week in the Manitoba legislature, a question that spoke to the NDP’s severance package of almost $700,000 paid to departing staffers for myriad of reasons after the slow-motion coup last March. “Which door will he take?” A statement and a question all ...
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