Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition May 9, 2015 With a resounding and decisive victory in the heart of Canada’s oilpatch, the NDP has accomplished something no party has done since the days of Ernest Manning and his Social Credit party — knock off a Tory government in Alberta. To put it into perspective, when Alberta’s courtship with the Progressive Conservatives began, Pierre Trudeau was prime minister, Richard Nixon ...
Category: Brandon Sun
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition May 1, 2015 What could be one of Premier Greg Selinger’s final cabinet shuffles reflects a party that is still dealing with a divide of sorts, with a hodgepodge of faces rounding out the ranks of the NDP’s inner circle. As names new and old swirled following the Wednesday afternoon presser, two stood out that will have an immediate impact on Westman in ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition April 25, 2015 Manitobans have been kneedeep in hockey fever this week, consumed with whiteouts and Wheat Kings, thunder sticks and jersey-clad ministerial selfies. And yet, while the province is — or was — consumed with hockey playoffs, the political landscape has been shifting around us. Fresh off a federal budget that Conservatives indicate was their form of a “balanced budget,” Manitobans are ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition April 18, 2015 Either Greg Selinger will be remembered as the ultimate salesman for uniting a party with plenty of detractors, or he will be remembered as the one who let the wolves back in the farmyard. In either case, the next year should be one to watch. Fresh from a hush-hush retreat, the premier and the NDP have emerged stating they are ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition April 11, 2015 Having to line up sometimes days prior to secure a daycare spot is an absolute shame. To learn after all that time that the waiting was for naught is the injustice that stands as bitter icing on the cake. As was shared in the Sun earlier this week, many parents were left without options after spending hours in line to ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition April 2, 2015 It is something that hasn’t happened in Canada since the early years of Stephen Harper’s regime, and it appears he and his government may bookend their time with what pollsters believe could be a slim minority government. This news comes on the heels of the latest EKOS poll that notes Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party has sunk close to 10 per ...
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