Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 1, 2015 There is plenty of reason to believe we are witnessing the final days of the Eighth Street bridge. Mired deep down on the priority list, as well as being the only bridge that rests solely on the shoulders of the taxpayers of this city proves we may have driven upon it for the last time. Not good for the residents ...
Category: Brandon Sun
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 25, 2015 There is an old adage that states a person should not look a gift horse in the mouth. Basics of that principle reflect that when one is given a gift (i.e., the horse), clear of any encumbrances, they should happily receive it and graciously thank the giver. It is a simple concept and a lesson most of us were taught ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 18, 2015 “He didn’t say yes, but he also didn’t say no and that’s significant.” — Brandon School Division board chair Mark Sefton If ever there was a time when numbers don’t lie, this would be the case. Without the construction of a new elementary school in our division, the current safe capacity for students will be met within a few short ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 11, 2015 In looking at the direction this province has taken over the past number of years, there has been no shortage of ink spilled dissecting the Manitoba NDP. Whether it be their bitter revolt and standoff over leadership, the challenges faced with the implementation of a further one per cent provincial sales tax, the merry-go-round circulation of MLAs through various ministerial ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 4, 2015 The notion that Tom Mulcair once entertained a job working for the Harper Conservatives is nothing new. The story has circulated since Mulcair took over leadership of the NDP from the late Jack Layton. As it goes, Mulcair spoke with staff in the Harper war room about a spot at the table as an environmental adviser, and in their mind, ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 27, 2015 She has a name synonymous with negative NDP election rhetoric in Manitoba and has a position many believe in a modern government should become obsolete. Janice Filmon appears to be in for a bumpy ride as the newly minted lieutenant-governor of this province. When it comes to politicking, the role of a lieutenant-governor is usually met with some confusion by ...
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