Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 29, 2014 Candidate endorsements for a political campaign can be dynamite or they can be an absolute minefield to navigate, depending on their source. Usually endorsements, especially high-profile ones, place more credibility in the candidate they tout and often are accompanied with tidy sums of money to help further the campaign. For the most part those endorsements — especially the ones welcomed ...
Category: Brandon Sun
It was an announcement many in the community had hoped would come for a long time. But for a select few in the political realm — where timing is everything — the airport renovation project hit smack dab in the centre of a political target they had been aiming for, buoying their fortunes for the foreseeable future. Few can dispute that our airport is a mere shadow of some of ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 9, 2014 It would appear maintaining the post as the Progressive Conservative youth leader is a tough gig. Mere months after former board member and youth rep Braydon Mazurkiewich was tossed from the table for his inflammatory comments on social media toward First Nations people, Tory youth leader Candace Maxymowich has firmly placed a boot in her mouth for stances on sex ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 26, 2014 As puddles of stagnant river water begin to pop up throughout the flood zone, the ramping up of a larvicide program and fogging applications will hopefully quash a second groundswell of the pesky bugs before they officially write off the balance of nice summer evenings in Brandon. Undoubtedly the fogging of nuisance mosquitoes takes its toll on some in the ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 19, 2014 For anyone who reads this column, it is not often I laud the work of the Harper government or its members. For the most part, I find the combative approach of this government over the past decade to be more than a little off-putting. Canadians have had their doubts at times with the politicians representing them, and our local political ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 11, 2014 “City at its best during difficult time…” As another storm ripped through Brandon last weekend, many weather-weary city staff and residents once again took up the charge to protect the city. The hammering our region has taken over the past three weeks is unprecedented, but the reaction by residents and civic officials is a true show of the character present ...
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