Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition July 5, 2014 The names continue to trickle in as potential candidates register for the big run. Having been there myself, both at a civic level and then provincially, it is an exciting time and as a candidate you want to instantly go madly off in a plethora of different directions. Pamphlets are designed, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts begin to pop up, ...
Category: Brandon Sun
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 28, 2014 As politicians, gamers and investors alike clamoured for photo opportunities at the new Sand Hills Casino near Carberry, many back in Brandon were left wondering about an opportunity lost — an opportunity that at times seemed like a sure bet and at times like a distant possibility. The Sand Hills project finally coming to fruition brings to a close the ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 21, 2014 Even the most casual political observer knows Brian Pallister wants to be premier. This is, in all reality, the goal of any opposition provincial party leader. In recent days Pallister and his merry band of Tories have ramped up the rhetoric in the hope of whittling away at the base the NDP has considered its own in some cases for ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 14, 2014 This week’s announcement of a “pocket park” near the YMCA in downtown Brandon puts the finishing touches on a plan years in the making for the province and Renaissance Brandon. As some of you may have heard, this past week was my last at the helm of Renaissance Brandon, the downtown development organization charged with revitalization opportunities in the core ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition June 7, 2014 As summer rolls around and members of our fair city flee for the weekends, they will most likely venture to one of the many provincial parks and sole national park in the area; parks like Riding Mountain National Park which, like many of its struggling partners, will be hard-pressed to meet the budget constrictions and cutbacks from the Harper government ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition May 31, 2014 For a community that can sometimes come off a bit cynical or jaded, this week’s opening of Murray House was a proud moment for the organizing committee, the community at large and the folks in Brandon who worked and gave selflessly to make it happen. Although a bit delayed in its launch, the grand reveal was full of smiles and ...
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