Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 29, 2014 You need not look too far to see the effects of poverty in this country. All around us people are challenged by poverty, and many in our community struggle to make ends meet. Even more alarming is the number of underemployed or lower-income families, those who are constantly pressed in making the decisions of how best to feed a hungry ...
Blog Posts
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 20, 2014 As the last bits of winter linger on, many in Westman are itching to pick up the clubs and head out for a round or two of golf as soon as the ice and snow melts away. Of the plethora of golfing opportunities in and around Westman, the Wheat City Golf Course will undoubtedly be on the list for some ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 15, 2014 Progressive Conservative Leader Brian Pallister has officially gone on the record to promise that the PC party would not cut a single front-line service job if elected in 2016. Rather, the focus would be on what he and his party call a “chill” in hiring, cuts to government advertising budgets and some reclassifications through attrition and retirements — a form ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 8, 2014 One has to feel for member of Parliament Larry Maguire. The longtime politician and community builder has been handed nothing less than a handful of headaches from a Conservative party bent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in 2015. The most recent misstep comes in the form of a decree tumbling down from the mound to the masses ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 1, 2014 Now appears to be the winter of our discontent as water woes and multiple line breaks have plagued the latter half of what seems to have been a never-ending winter here in Manitoba. As was mentioned in both the Winnipeg Free Press and the pages of our local Brandon Sun, many in both communities are battling water main breaks — ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition February 22, 2014 Leaving little up for the offering, Brandon School Division trustees were faced with a cut to staffing numbers or risk a large increase for the voting public just months before they head to the polls. It is often said that a voter’s memory is short, but this one could have stung if a larger number surfaced after more than eight ...
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