Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition November 23, 2013 It took a bit of self-restraint and another topic weighing on my mind to avoid diving into the byelection debate once more this week. Although tempting, it seems that enough ink has been spilled on the “race to watch,” with more left to be drawn in the days and likely weeks ahead. The decision date has come down to Monday ...
Blog Posts
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition November 16, 2013 With a full slate of campaigning in view for local candidates, and a return visit by both Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and NDP Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair over the last couple days, it has caused me to sit down and wonder about a local candidate’s choice to bail on debating in favour of campaigning in the riding. It is undoubtedly ...
A photo set from the Elephant Room Session for the Brandon band Until Red. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. Click for HIGH RES images. Photographer -Shaun Cameron Music Video Producer- Graham Street- Street Media Inc. Song- I Don’t know you (But I want to) ...
Liberal leader Justin Trudeau visited the Brandon-Souris riding on November 13, 2013. Here is a collection of photos I took at the event. Created with flickr slideshow. Click HERE for High-Res samples of the images. c. 2013 Shaun Cameron ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition November 9, 2013 Canada’s food banks are facing a challenge they haven’t seen in a number of years and the demographics are changing, along with the challenges of many struggling to make ends meet on an ongoing basis. The numbers are staggering and the user groups that regularly rely on them are growing younger and younger every day. There isn’t a community in ...
Republished from the print edition of the Brandon Sun. November 2. 2013 In a time when home ownership is a pipe dream for many, the call has come for politicians nationwide to put aside petty partisan squabbles and adequately address the issue of housing shortages in many communities. It’s an issue that, if left untreated, will become a national epidemic. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has called on the federal ...
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