Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition September 11, 2015 BRANDON- To say it was a rough week for Conservative candidates in Ontario is a bit of an understatement. In the last seven days, two candidates for the party were officially sent packing after some past “indiscretions” reared their head, as they often do in campaigns. First off, Jerry Bance, a candidate in Scarborough-Rouge Park, was removed following the resurfacing ...
Category: Brandon Sun
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition September 4, 2015 “Child Services Seizes One Newborn A Day” — Brandon Sun, Sept. 2, 2015 A small, but absolutely staggering number. A number that reflects a reported average of between 318 and 388 children put into care per year between 2008-2014. A number that is indicative of a system that is broken and still seeking a solution out of the same tired ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 28, 2015 Not that our province is laden with opportunity for any particular party this election, but Tom Mulcair may have the most to gain or lose in friendly Manitoba come election day. Officially, we have 14 ridings at play this election. Manitoba is clearly a stark contrast to the more than 120 ridings up for grabs in Ontario, for example — ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 21, 2015 It would appear that without a fourth-quarter Hail Mary pass, the curtain has closed on the Strand Theatre saga. As was shared in the Brandon Sun this past week, the one-time megaproject has fizzled out, leading to tough times ahead for the aging structure, as well as some undoubtedly hurt feelings and thoughts of what could have been. So now ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 14, 2015 Some saw it as an innocent peck on the cheek. Others viewed it as assault — and plenty were in the vast grey area that exists in between. No matter how a person viewed this past week’s kiss on the cheek of CBC reporter Megan Batchelor by a young festivalgoer, the resulting outcome stands as a cause for concern. Interestingly ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition August 7, 2015 In what will be the second-longest campaign in Canadian history, the marathon 42nd election is officially underway. As the writ dropped this past Sunday, all three of the main leaders were quick to lay out their first steps on the long road ahead. Whether the Conservatives’ strategy was to try to run the other two parties out of money by ...
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