Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 28, 2015 If you are a Brandon School Division trustee, it is becoming harder every day to like the hand you have been dealt by the provincial government regarding the kindergarten to Grade 3 class size initiative. We are far past the argument as to whether the idea works, or whether smaller class sizes benefit young children. It is pretty evident that ...
Category: Brandon Sun
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 20, 2015 “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a moulder of consensus.” — Martin Luther King Jr. When the current regime took over at city hall close to six months ago, many council members were coming off election campaigns run on a policy of stable, fiscally responsible governance. This council comes from all walks of life (as they ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 14, 2015 When the dust settling from last weekend’s NDP convention, only one gunslinger remained in control of the party he has seen through plummeting support. Premier Greg Selinger, as many Manitobans already know, survived his dust-up with longtime adversary Steve Ashton and upstart contender Theresa Oswald, with the province remaining in the tenuous grip of the premier after a razor-thin victory ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition March 7, 2015 She has flirted with the idea of a run for leader before, she once was seen as the clear-cut “next in line” to the throne for the NDP and she is a smart and savvy politician. But it all comes down to one weekend where her political future and career hang in the balance. Clearly Theresa Oswald has the ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition February 28, 2015 It is often the last piece of the puzzle that is the trickiest to place. It has lingered longer than others to find a home in the bigger picture. Renaissance Brandon hopes that last piece is falling into place, and in this instance there is good cause to agree with them. ...
Republished from the Brandon Sun print edition February 21, 2015 Budgeting for one of the largest employers in the city while serving a “client base” of more than 8,000 members can be tricky business. It is often the job of CEOs and financial managers in companies and comes with a level of pay befitting the responsibilities associated with that task. It is also a job many communities such as ours ...
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